Diamond Outer Bands

A perfect way to add some sparkle to your braided ring. Each option adds 2 bands on either side of your braided ring.

Shop All Diamond Outer band Rings

All Rings below come in three options:

Three diamond and gold rings, known as Cord of Three Strands wedding rings, displayed with specifications for size and diamond weight, labeled as different outer band options.

Add diamond outer bands to a braid without outer bands:

Braided ring instructions. This is an infographic for adding diamond bands to the braided wedding band. Specifically our cord of three ring.

Step #1: Choose a braid with no outer bands

Step #2: Choose your outer bands to add:

Diamond Specifications:

A comparison of both our cord of three diamond rings. One with large anniversary bands and the other with smaller diamonds.

Option #1: Standard Diamond Outer Bands – Each band has 27 1.1mm diamonds and a total carat weight of 1/8 CT. Adding a total of 1/4twc to your ring. Each band is approximately 2mm wide. Adding 4mm to the braid of your choice.

Option #2: 1/3ct Diamond Outer Bands – Each band has 17 1.7mm diamonds and a total carat weight of 1/3 CT. Adding a total of 2/3twc to your ring. Each band is approximately 2.79mm wide. Adding 5.58mm to the braid of your choice.

Option #3: 1/2ct Diamond Outer Bands (Similar to our Large Channel Set Diamond Outer Bands) – Each band has 16 2mm diamonds and a total carat weight of 1/2 CT. Adding a total of 1twc to your ring. Each band is approximately 3.09mm wide. Adding 6.18mm to the braid of your choice.

Below is the Comparison from the smallest 'Standard Diamond Bands' to the Largest '1/2ct Diamond Bands'.

This is a comparison of our braided rings with diamond anniversary bands. The one on the left is our larger diamond bands and the one on the right is our standard diamond outer bands. Both are made from the cord of three rights.. Todd's signature braided rings

Confused? If you have any questions reach out to us:

Email: Todd@HandWovenBands.com

Call: 941.217.4969

All of Todd Alan's designs are protected by copyright.