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Rose Gold Cord of Three™ Ring Masterwork. Handmade wedding ring with diamonds

$3 696.00
In stock
Product Details

This ring is by far our most requested design. The center braid is made of our Cord of Three™ 3.5mm 317C with couple strands in 18k yellow gold/14k rose gold and the God strand is in platinum ROPE.

The outer bands are our 1/2ct diamond outer bands in 14k rose gold. Each band has 17 2mm diamonds so they add a tcw of 1ct to this stunning ring.

You can learn more about our Cord of Three™ design here: https://handwovenbands.com/cord-of-three-wedding-r...

These rings are not in-stock. This is a design that is requested very often so we made a button so you could just add it to cart. Once you add your ring size this ring will be made by hand for you.

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