Two-tone cord of three with 18k and platinum mixed together. Handmade and woven ring

Silver Cord of Three™

This ring intertwines three strands, symbolizing a couple's journey through life and the force that binds them. Some interpret it as representing God, love, or their new life together. It's crafted in silver but you have the option to upgrade the binding strand a solid 14k gold, 14k rose gold, or 18k gold. Todd offers handmade sterling silver braids using high-quality continuum sterling silver, which is 92.5% silver and more tarnish-resistant. Although silver naturally tarnishes over time, our silver braids stand out for their craftsmanship and durability.

Add a Diamond Or Stone To Your Ring

Add a diamond, sapphire, moissanite or any gemstone to your six strand open weave.

Make God Strand Smooth

Make From the Same Braid

Two hands clasped, one with a wedding ring, on a pale background.

Any two Cord of Three™ rings with the same metals/colors can be made from the SAME BRAID.  We can make both rings from the same braid at no cost.

CUSTOM: Cord of Three™ Rings In Gold

Three intertwined rings in shades of gold symbolize unity, labeled as "cord of three strands wedding ring #1" and "cord of three strands wedding ring #2" to suggest customizable couple's rings

Confused? If you have any questions reach out to us:


Call: 941.217.4969

All of Todd Alan's designs are protected by copyright.